הלכות פורים משולש ודרשות לפרשת השבוע - Halachot Purim Meshulash and Drashot
download the PDF file below:
Attendance is limited to those people who have been vaccinated or who have recovered from Covid-19.
We advise you to bring your own siddur, megillah and chumash.
Masks are required to be worn at all times.
Taanit Esther - Thursday February 25 Fast begins: 4:58 AM Shacharit: 5:55 AM and 6:50 AM Mincha: 5:10 PM (Fast ends: 5:56 PM) PURIM MESHULASH (Friday, Shabbat and Sunday)* Thursday evening: Maariv and Megilla Reading (all minyanim) 5:55 PM (also on ZOOM) There will be a second reading at 7:30 PM Friday February 26 Shacharit and Megilla reading: Mishkan Daniel: 6:00 Main Shul: 7:00 (also on ZOOM)|
Mishkan Daniel: 8:00 AM Light Candles: 4:57 PM Mincha: 5:30 PM Shabbat February 27 Shacharit: 6:30, 8:00, 9:30 Mincha: 1:00 and 5:25 Shabbat ends: 6:10 Sunday February 28 Shacharit: 6:05 and 6:50 PM Mincha: 1:00 and 5:30
ZOOM: Meeting ID: 216 783 5005
* Purim Meshulash
Matanot LaEvyonim is done on Friday. Money given in shul for this purpose Thursday night will be given to the poor on Friday.
Al Hanissim is said on Shabbat.
Mishloach Manot and Seudat Purim are on Sunday.
A halachic guide with full information on Purim Hameshulash written by Rav Ote was sent out last week by e mail and can be found in the link to a file to download above.
Layehudim Hayta Ora v'Simcha v'Sasson Veekar